
Psychological Meaning Of Drawing Eyes

This retarded drawing is a remake of what i did when i was four years old. Looking back, i asked myself why do i draw my characters without any bodies? Why do they have no noses? Few years back, i came across a book that children's drawings speak volumes of psychology. If you observe a child's drawing you are able to tell whether they are being abused. That reminds me of what my elder sister Zareena did in her kindergarten classes. She colored everything black. And the teacher called up my mother. My mother told my sister that black is the color of Satan. But my sister was fascinated with this particular color. Not because of abuse, maybe it had something to do with her subconscious?

A drawing of a house without doors ,  it usually means the child is insecure. COLORS- If a child who has previously used and enjoyed color in her artwork exhibits a sudden and extended rejection of color in favor of black or gray, she may be in a state of denial or apathy.


If a child scribbles over a drawing with black lines, she may be trying to erase her drawing or make it invisible. If the scribbles were done while a parent or other adult was speaking with the child, it can indicate that the conversation was somehow painful to the child

FEETLESS?- If the drawings of the child are feetless. It usually means the child is insecure. But if you find the child's character floating in the air. It means that character has importance.

EARS- Exceptionally large ears, unadorned by earrings, can indicate verbal abuse. Sometimes the child will draw lines leading to the ears, to demonstrate the abusive tone she frequently encounters. MOUTH- An anxious, uncomfortable child may represent the mouth with a long slit. On the other hand, if the child does not draw a mouth at all, it may be a sign of his inability to communicate. EYES- When a child draws "empty" eyes , it may mean that she has difficulty relating to the reality around her. In a sense, the child is blind to reality

TEETH JAGGERED?- Jagged teeth frequently indicate a tendency toward aggressive behavior, especially when coupled with other serrated graphic symbols such as spiked fingers, feet, ears, and hair.

There was a particular case where a sexually abused child kept drawing a bed outside a house and kept saying "This is where it happened!". And later, they found out that this child was raped by a friend of her brother.

Children draw out feelings they cant express. And we can tap into their minds looking at their drawings?

My friend Florian came from a single parent family. He told me, he never drew his father in his pictures. At a tender age, he is able to comprehend the divorce between his parents. And he would draw all other family members, Mother, brother and grandparents. Even though, the grandmother isnt living with them. Why omit the father? Do children know more than we think they do?

This is another drawing i clearly remmebered drawing in primary school. I remade it to show you people. Its weird that my sun and clouds are wearing shades.  O, why is my cloud drinking coke? Clouds produce rain, they never get dehydrated. So why the drink? Sun gives out light and never needs shading from itself, So why the shades? Could young Sabreena be trying to convey some message? Or were my clouds and sun really being coooool!

Doodling by adults mean anything?

Its just doodling! I dont think i could just brush it off that way. The common things i doodle, espcially in class, until Zelda got irritated by it, are EYES. BIG BIG EYES, FULL OF EXPRESSION AND LASHES. There are pages and pages of eyes in my notebooks and papers? Another common thing i doodle are CUBES? I used to be so disturbed my these common doodles that appear on my notebook. I asked myself WHY? If child art spoke volumes about the mind, do doodles mean anything? Then i searched. I couldnt doodle in peace anymore, i needed answers. So i searched.

Triangles are the second most common universal doodles. They reveal a rational state of mind and a desire to see things come to a head.


Trees represent our egos and our ambitions, so take particular note of the health of the tree! Trees with leaves and fruit indicate that the doodler associates love, sex, and children together. Bare, drooping branches indicate depression and lack of fighting spirit. Rootless trees may indicate that the doodler feels him or herself to be without roots.


Doodling only profiles indicates that the doodler doesn't like the way he or she looks, or feels s/he can't draw well. In full-proportion drawings, not drawing hands indicates a feeling of being unable to do things; no feet indicates a feeling of not belonging or not having roots. The face is important: smiles are desirable, obviously, and frowns are not. Missing parts of the face indicate a person who feels fragmented, not whole, or faceless. Accentuating or drawing only eyes indicates a cautious, suspicious doodler. Doodles of ears usually means that the doodler feels they have to listen too much to someone.

Doodling houses and money?

According to Dr Burns, "if you find yourself doodling pictures of houses, you probably place a high value on shelter and security". Other symbols too are strong indications of things which an individual values most. For example, numbers and dollar signs indicate a preoccupation with money. Planes, cars, ships, and other vehicles may indicate a desire to travel, alter relationships, or change one's life.

Doodling and sex?

Dr Burns observes that "a preoccupation with sexuality usually shows up in figures whose genital areas are emphasised and heavily shaded or in the repeated use of classic sexual symbols such as snakes, candles, or darts striking a target". The moment i read about this part, i remembred Josh and his tomb raider in Arts class. But again, that wasnt doodling. It was his idea of an ideal woman. And i remmeber telling him that breasts DO NOT defy the law of gravity. Most of the women's breasts he drew had an ability to withstand gravity and looked as if the woman sprouted two giant basketballs from her chest? THE GRAND QUESTION?


According to Robert Burns, people who doodle eyes are vigilant and in severe cases they may be paranoid. I have been doodling eyes for very long time. And people who doodle eyes are observant. Is that why i observe everything? Paranoia to a certain extent yes, when i was younger. What about cubes? I was very worried when i doodled cubes. I thought there was a problem with me. Doodling cubes are very common. But its strange, for a female i am doodling a geomatrical shape?


Boxes and cubes are universally the most common doodles. They indicate a desire to be constructive. If they're three-dimensional, they indicate an ability or an attempt to see all sides of an issue.

Another intrepretation for CUBES

Drawing cubes is a common sign of feeling trapped and powerless to resolve a situation. Combined with round shapes and spirals cubes often signify that the doodler really would rather be somewhere else at that particular moment doing soemthing at lot more interesting. It is true that my cubes are three dimensional. And i do agree, i attempt to see all sides of a situation. Something i was struggling with, in my earlier years.  And i agree with the 2nd intrepretation where i feel powerless over a situation. I draw cubes usually when i am disturbed or in deep thought.

An interesting tip, The SOMA cube was created by student Piet Hian from Denmark when he was doodling in one of his lectures? Funny isnt it?

So what do you doodle?


Animal doodlers are usually sensitive to living creatures. What sort of animal they doodle speaks volumes as to the mood of the doodler and, often, the type of person they'd like to be. Doodles of weak, passive or small animals indicate slowness, a lack of self-confidence, and more introverted tendencies. Doodles of aggressive animals represent feelings of assertiveness. Doodles of fun-loving animals indicate a playful doodler, of slow animals a more plodding, contemplative personality, etc.


Stars indicate a feeling of hopefulness, a looking forward or up to things, and optimism.


Flowers represent our feminine side, and a desire to see growth, nature, and reproduction. If flowers are in an arrangement, it denotes a sense of family and togetherness. McNichol writes that Jung believed dreams of flowers suggest a need to release emotion people feel unable to express openly.

Houses or buildings

These represent the doodler's attitude toward his or her home life. Houses definitely ought to have doors and windows which indicate that there's a way for the resident to see out and for others to see into him. A warm, inviting house–one that looks lived in, perhaps with smoke curling from the chimney–suggests the doodler has a happy and positive attitude toward his home life. Stark, unadorned or haphazard houses indicate uneasy associations with the doodler's home life.


Drawing things to eat or drink indicates a need for love, or a desire to be filled up–or thirst or hunger. Circles Since they're made with round movements, circles indicate a more passive feeling than angles. They're associated with feeling sociable, talkative and friendly, with a desire to be flexible and loving.

Transportation methods

Doodles of any form of transportation represent a desire to get away or to reach a goal. The faster the type of vehicle, the greater haste to make a point or speed away.


Arrows indicate feelings of ambitiousness, drive, and motivation.


The doodler has love on the brain.

Here comes the interesting question? What do you doodle? What do FSV people doodle? What does my teachers doodle? Care to share?

And why do i type with TWO FINGERS??? Thats my new question to myself!

Psychological Meaning Of Drawing Eyes


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